Meriwether Millworks

When is the best time to put a log on the sawmill?

Spalted, curly Maple on Wood-Mizer LT40 Sawmill

Is it Worth Sawing Old or Rotten Logs? Occasionally we will get a call asking how long logs should sit before you put them on the sawmill to be milled.  The answer typically is ‘it depends.’  It depends on what you are trying to do with the wood.  It also depends on the species of […]

Turning Live Edge Slabs into Lumber

Turning Live Edge Slabs into Lumber A few years ago, our customer had purchased tons of live edge slabs because the price was right (they probably weighed a couple tons . . . we would know, we moved them all by hand ;).  Unfortunately, he could not use them in their current state.  He wanted […]